Toronto is a vibrant city with an ever-changing playbill of entertainment and performances. Competition is fierce and it takes bravado and creativity to capture the attention and imaginations of prospective customers. Although we might not stand in the limelight of these performances, Wellington Printworks has played a key role in assisting a wide range of establishments in the Arts and Entertainment sector to introduce the biggest cultural events, productions and performers to the city.
The Biggest and the Best Venues
Our clients have included prominent venues such as the Four Seasons Centre, Massey Hall, Roy Thompson Hall, and the Harbourfront Centre, just to name a few. We offer the sophisticated print materials needed to advertise the productions and artists that will perform throughout the year.
Our savvy team understands it’s a daunting proposition to fill the seats of the city’s largest halls and make each production a success. For us, it’s an honour to be there season after season to help attract audiences to these much-anticipated productions.
We would go so far as to say that if you’ve seen a banner or sign for a show in the city, there’s a good chance we’ve helped create it. In fact, one of our major clients, the Canadian Opera Company, depends on us to present their print materials for every show winter, spring, summer and fall. It’s a major undertaking that requires skill and expert planning to ensure everything goes as planned. They continue to engage our services because they know we will deliver on time and on budget.
Superior Quality on a Budget
It takes a keen eye for detail to help maintain a consistent look for all the elements that go into selling tickets and advertising their shows and events. We understand how important budget is for arts and cultural events, so we’re extremely sensitive to producing the highest quality print products in the most cost-effective manner possible.
All in the Presentation
And we don’t just print the materials. We dress the outside of the building with large banners, install backlit signs and hang wall dressing. Our presentation brings every show to life for passers-by, so the city always knows what’s happening at major venues throughout the year. We handle it all, changing the signs throughout the seasons with a team of expert installers that switch up the shows seamlessly and quietly as if overnight.
We will complete an installation no matter the weather, rain or shine, sleet or snow — and let’s not forget unbearable heat and humidity. We’ll work all hours if that’s what it takes to finish the job.

Our print production team works tirelessly behind the scenes at our facility completing each element. Once the signs are installed it’s onto the programs to make sure they are ready for opening night. Every single piece we print goes through a strict proofing process beginning with the preflight of files and running a set of hi-res proofs to ensure you see how your designs will translate onto paper. As if this isn’t enough, we also do press approvals to make sure you’re always happy with the outcome.
Our team of experts stand in the shadows, so your show can go on! We will ensure that your venue is adorned with the beautiful imagery that will trigger imaginations and convince people this is a show they must see. We’ll be the people behind the curtain that ensure your venue sells out, every time.
Let us introduce your next production to the city. Call our experts today at 800-391-4514 or contact us here to discuss our services or get a quote. End scene!