More than meets the eye

Creativity is one of those inherent gifts that is part of a person’s makeup. It can be honed and inspired, but it can’t always be learned. Our design team have the inherent creative skills that take the mystery out of design and provide you with the design you would have come up with if you just had the time. It’s not like we can read your mind, but it’s almost like that!

The Creative Process

Creativity is a process that starts with in-depth questions that help us get to know you. With a few probing questions and maybe a few cups of coffee, we can capture the essence of your business and can communicate to your customers without the need for words. Good design shows people what you are about whether it’s all business and sophistication or witty and quirky. We will tap into that personality and help you start building brand equity.

Brand Integrity

If you think of any major brand, you’ll have something come to mind immediately. It might be their logo, their company colours, or their sense of humour. That’s what we can do for you. We will explore your business and find out what makes you tick and more importantly what makes your customers react. We create engaging graphic design that will help develop your brand or even recreate it to improve your current situation.

Attracting Customers

Once we get to know you, the creation begins, and we’ll come up with a concept based on your vision and goals. The process is the same whether you want a business card, a complete stationery package or a brochure or flyer. We can assist with all aspects of your print marketing including offering innovative ways to reach your customers from flyers to brochures and signage to decals and stickers. It’s all about brand integrity with consistency across all mediums.

We will create a trail for your customers to follow right to your door. We believe in creating engaging materials with a strong call to action and an approach that will get people curious enough to take things to the next level. Our design team will create design concepts that can be used across all print mediums from stationery to signage.

Pulling it Together

We work with your ideas, images, photographs and text and pull them all together to create a completely united and clear message. We can also help with ideas you might not even know existed to enhance your plans and expand your horizons always working within that all-important budget.

Quality Control

Quality is always top of mind once the creative process is complete and we get into producing your materials. We are stringent process nuts and stick to our schedule with a precise workflow that ensures no detail is missed and everything goes to plan. Everything is proofed and reproofed before we send it to you for approval with easy to view PDF’s.

You can provide feedback, so we can make revisions if required. Your final proof is signed off and then it’s off to our Prepress department. The last check for quality control is made before your project is run.

All Under One Roof

We keep all of your work saved and ready to be reprinted, reused, or revised for your next project to help maintain brand consistency across all of your marketing materials. We offer a cost-effective way to manage your creative and printing services under one roof. It saves time, lessens stress and lets us get to know you better!

We’d love to learn what your business is all about! Give us a call to set up a meeting to get those creative juices flowing with ideas to help grow your business.

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